✦ about me

know me koi/charlie they/it + graygender lesbian ⚢ poc hispanic esfj 9w1 972 nd syshost

loves ❥ rainy days draw sing making carrds or coding music rhythm games typology

notes 1. im not pretty open to talk about that im a system 2. dont use she/her or he/him w me if we arent close 3. nicknames ok! just dont overuse them if we arent close too

✦ rules

before you interact i talk about my special interests or actual hyperfixations especially typology i can be pretty inactive sometimes for personal matters, dont overuse tone indicators with me its ok sometimes but not always, please. if u need help for things like mbti, carrds or neocities dm me whenever u want! i love helping others

do not interact basic dni criteria support any problematic franchise (introjects, hyperfixations, media appearences etc ok!), youre always in discourses or invalidate others identities just dont be weird

✦ interests

games pokemon bandori witchs heart undertale touhou pmmmm slime rancher

music red velvet loona lamp mitski lemon demon twice wonder girls bo en tessa violet jack stauber miranda! the garden snails house reol